School Board news release

Arlington School Board Adopts FY 2020 Budget

Last night, the Arlington School Board unanimously approved the FY 2020 Arlington Public Schools (APS) budget of $669,554,705 million to fund operations for the 2019-20 school year.

School Board Vice Chair Tannia Talento to Become a Living Donor

At the April 23 School Board meeting, School Board Vice Chair Tannia Talento shared that April is National Donate Life Month (NDLM). In the spirit of the NDLM theme, “Life is a Beautiful Ride,” Talento announced that she will become a living donor.

School Board Approves Proposed FY 2020 Budget

Last night, the School Board approved its Proposed FY 2020 Arlington Public Schools (APS) Budget to fund operations for the 2019-20 school year.