PRC Messages

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 2.22.21

February 22, 2021 Tomorrow evening, Tuesday, February 23rd, the Arlington Special Education Advisory Committee (ASEAC), will welcome Arlington Public Schools Superintendent, Dr. Francisco Durán, to its monthly meeting. This meeting […]

Monday Message: 2.8.21

    Good evening! This week, the PRC will co-sponsor NOVA Night tomorrow (Tuesday, February 9th), and Arlington SEPTA will feature a presentation on Social Connection in the Age of […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 2.1.21

Good evening, and Happy February to you from the team at the PRC. We hope everyone enjoyed the wintry weather the weekend brought, and encourage caution on slippery roads and […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 1.25.21

    January 25, 2021 The team at your Parent Resource Center hopes this message finds you keeping warm on this chilly day. This week we join APS in celebrating […]

Parent Resource Center Message: 1.19.21

    January 19, 2021 As yesterday was a school holiday and an official day of service, our regular Monday Message will return on January 25th, but we joined you […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 12.14.20

    December 14, 2020 The team at your Parent Resource Center wishes you all a wonderful winter break. While many of us may perhaps be experiencing winter break in […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 12.7.20

    December 7, 2020 Hello from your Parent Resource Center. If you missed last week’s registration for the final Crisis Prevention Intervention Training (CPI) for Parents/Caregivers, you are in […]

Monday Message: November 30 2020

The team at your Parent Resource Center (PRC) hopes that you all enjoyed a safe and restful Thanksgiving break. During the weekend, the law currently known as the Individuals with […]