PRC Messages

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 12.13.2021

Good evening! As we approach Arlington Public Schools’ Winter Break (December 18-January 3rd), we wanted to share with you that the Parent Resource Center will be closed during the entirety […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: December 6, 2021

Good afternoon, and Happy December from the team at your Parent Resource Center. This week, we are delighted to share a number of new resources below, along with updates on […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 11.22.21

    La Sopa de la Abuela Premiere TONITE at 7pm! Happy Monday! Your Parent Resource Center is buzzing with excitement and gratitude this morning! A collaborative project many years […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: November 15, 2021

This week, we are looking forward to welcoming back one of our favorite presenters and colleagues, Ms. Deborah Hammer, who will share tips and strategies on Supporting Positive Behavior Development […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: November 8, 2021

November 8, 2021 Digital Premiere of APS’ La Sopa de La Abuela/Grandma’s Soup One of the true highlights of 2021’s Family Engagement Month is the long awaited release of La […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: November 1, 2021

November 1, 2021 Happy Family Engagement in Education Month! Although we celebrate and support family engagement throughout the school year, Governor Ralph S. Northam, Dr. James F. Lane, Superintendent of […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: October 25, 2021

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Week October 25-29 Arlington Public Schools is acknowledging Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Week from October 25 – 29. AAC is used by people who […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: October 18, 2021

This week, we focus on preparing for Parent-Teacher Conferences and sharing Inclusive Practices guidance for our community. Several upcoming events of note are posted in our Events section, including two Celebrate […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 10.4.21

  October 4, 2021 Happy October to all of our families, colleagues, community partners and subscribers! This is always a busy month, as there are a number of disability awareness […]