
Superintendent’s Update for February 22, 2023

As part of our commitment to student safety and well-being, I want to provide updates on our continuing focus on substance abuse and opioids, as well as our division-wide efforts to strengthen culturally relevant and inclusive instructional activities. We appreciate the support and partnership of parents, guardians and community partners in these efforts. 

“Show Your Voice” Reflections Contest Now Airing

Reflections is a nationwide contest and arts promotion program that encourages students to create works in dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, and visual arts, based on a common theme. Learn how you can watch.

Superintendent’s Feb. 15 Update

As part of our continued focus on school safety, last week we held a series of meetings with all school administrators to review APS emergency procedures, including the updates to our protocols for notifying families regarding incidents.

Superintendent’s Feb. 8 Update

I have been reflecting on our communication following recent incidents and working with our staff on ways we can ensure it is as informative and reassuring as possible.

Vaccine Information for Rising 12th Graders

The MenACWY (Meningococcal) booster vaccine is required for all students attending school in Virginia prior to entering twelfth grade per Code of Virginia Section § 22.1-271.2   

Vaccine Information for Rising 7th Graders

The Tdap vaccine, the MenACWY (Meningococcal) vaccine, and the HPV vaccine are required for all students attending school in Virginia prior to seventh grade entry per Code of Virginia Section § 22.1-271.2