
Superintendent Updates School Board on 3-5 Year Plan Progress

At last night’s School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy provided a monitoring report for the three community processes that are underway for decisions related to the APS 3-5 Year Action Plan

Update from Literacy Work Session

On Feb. 9, the School Board held a work session on literacy to build a shared understanding of the key elements of reading; provide updates on the current status of literacy, specifically reading; and share the framework for the system to ensure success for all students.

Living Legends Video Series

This month, APS debut a video series on the website, social media, and AETV highlighting Living Legends of Arlington.

Update and Next Steps from Enrollment and Transfer Work Session

On Feb. 6, the School Board held its second work session to provide staff additional guidance on outstanding questions related to proposed policy revisions for the Enrollment and Transfers to Schools and Programs Policy (SB 25-2.2).