
School Board Reviews 2017-18 Priorities

At last night’s meeting, School Board members discussed their priorities for the 2017-18 school year. The School Board establishes annual priorities to assist in keeping the Board’s work focused, effective and aligned with its Strategic Plan goals.

Arlington Public Schools Affirms Its Commitment to Be Welcoming & Open to ALL Students

Yesterday, during our wonderful beginning to a new school year, the Arlington School Board, Superintendent and Arlington Public Schools staff were dismayed to learn that the Trump Administration had announced their decision to end the program for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, known as DACA, in six months.

A Message from the Superintendent

It’s hard to believe we are in our last week of summer. All Arlington Public Schools (APS) instructional and administrative team members are looking forward to welcoming students back for another exciting year of academic adventures and achievement!