
Career Center Students Win 2017 VSBA Video Contest

A team from the Arlington Career Center has won the sixth annual student video challenge sponsored by the Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA), taking home the top prize for the fifth year in a row.  

2017 Color of Leadership Girls’ Conference

The Office of Minority Achievement is hosting a conference for girls in grades 6-8. Students will participate in a full day of workshops and activities designed to nurture leadership skills in an environment in which participants feel valued, supported, and empowered.

Staff Presents Options for Instructional Focus at Education Center Site

At the School Board meeting on Nov. 2, staff presented options for the instructional focus at the Education Center site, where 600 high school seats will be added after administrative staff have been relocated to the Syphax Education Center next year.

APS Earns Communications Awards

The Arlington Public Schools Department of School and Community Relations received four awards from the Chesapeake Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association.