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Category: News Release

Sixth Graders Place Third in World Creative Engineering Competition

June 12, 2020

A group of sixth graders from Swanson and Dorothy Hamm middle schools placed third in the world at the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals 2020.

School Board Open Office Hours with Reid Goldstein for Mon, June 15

June 12, 2020

School Board Member Reid Goldstein will host virtual Open Office Hours on Mon, June 15 from 5-7 p.m. 

APS Announces Return-to-School Task Force Members

June 10, 2020

Yesterday, Governor Ralph Northam released guidance for how Virginia schools will be able to reopen. APS is reviewing the guidelines as part of its work to reopen schools and has formed the Return-to-School Task Force, including teachers, staff, students and parents from designated APS advisory groups, to provide input as plans are developed.

Please Share Feedback on Distance Learning and Return-to-School Planning

June 8, 2020

As we work on planning for the return to school in the fall, we would like to hear your feedback on your students' distance learning experiences during the school closures, and gather input on possible scenarios and contingencies for our return to school.

Por favor, comparta sus comentarios sobre el aprendizaje a distancia y la planificación de regreso a la escuela

June 8, 2020

Mientras trabajamos en la planificación para el regreso a la escuela en el otoño, nos gustaría escuchar sus comentarios sobre las experiencias de aprendizaje a distancia de sus estudiantes durante el cierre de la escuela, y recolectar información sobre posibles escenarios y contingencias para nuestro regreso a la escuela.

Superintendent Provides Update on Return-to-School Planning

June 5, 2020

Superintendent Dr. Francisco Durán provided an update on planning and community engagement activities for the return to school this fall, at the June 4 School Board meeting.

School Board Open Office Hours with Barbara Kanninen for Mon, June 8

June 5, 2020

School Board Member Barbara Kanninen will host virtual Open Office Hours on Mon, June 8 from 5-7 p.m. 

Song Arranged by APS Students selected by Lucky Chops

June 5, 2020

Recently, Kenmore eighth grader, Henry Price and Washington-Liberty freshman Jeremy Fagen (former Kenmore student) created an arrangement of the Lucky Chops’ song “Full Heart FANcy” for 20 instruments and submitted it for consideration. 

Update on Student-Issued Devices

June 5, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, APS is adjusting the student device replacement process. 

2019-20 APS Retirees

June 5, 2020

Congratulations to our Retirees! We will miss you. Abingdon Stephen Utley Alice West Fleet Twila Glick Susan Lewis Susan...