APS News Release

Campbell Elementary School Receives Expeditionary Learning Education Credential for Excellence in Character and Scholarship

campbellCampbell Elementary School today received an Expeditionary Learning (EL) Credential for Excellence in Character and Scholarship from EL Education, a leading K-12 education nonprofit working to close opportunity gaps. Campbell is one of five schools nationwide to receive this recognition at the organization’s National Conference in Atlanta today.

The hallmark of EL Education’s approach is an expanded definition of student achievement that combines student character and high-quality work with mastery of knowledge and skills. The EL Education Credential recognizes schools that have attained remarkable achievement impacts with all students in each of these areas through deep implementation of the EL Education school model. The model is a blueprint for transforming instruction, assessment, leadership, curriculum, school culture and character, with the support of EL Education school designers.

In 2014 EL Education began recognizing schools that demonstrated high levels of implementation and achievement with a credential. EL Education defines achievement as mastery in three areas, all of which are powerfully associated with success in college and career:

Mastery of Knowledge and Skills. Students show evidence of proficiency and deep understanding of a subject, critical thinking, the ability to communicate clearly, and application of their learning. Performance on state assessments over a period of several years is one measure.

Character. EL Education schools establish consistent school-wide “Habits of Scholarship” (such as perseverance and responsibility), which are then tracked by students and teachers to provide evidence of growth over time.

High-Quality Student Work. Schools present evidence showing the quality, depth, and authenticity of student work during the school’s multi-year partnership with EL Education.

The five schools join 36 schools holding an EL Education Credential nationwide. The credential is valid for five years, therefore, every five years the school updates its body of evidence to demonstrate continued growth in student achievement.

Campbell Elementary School is a countywide option school in which students learn through authentic hands on experiences and through nature. Developmental appropriateness is a guiding force at Campbell, where students develop at their own pace. To learn more about Campbell Elementary School, visit https://campbell.apsva.us/ and to learn more about EL Education, visit eleducation.org.