APS News Release

Bridget Loft Named Swanson Middle School Principal

POY_Bridget Loft_Arlington Public Schools_color photoAt the April 28 School Board meeting, the School Board appointed Ms. Bridget Loft as the new Swanson principal. Her appointment is effective May 3.

Ms. Loft has 30 years of experience in education and is currently serving as our Chief Academic Officer, a position she has held since 2019. From 2011 to 2017, Ms. Loft served as principal of Swanson Middle School, where she established strong ties with the Swanson community and earned the Principal of the Year Award in 2017. She then served as principal of Yorktown, where she led multiple initiatives that helped strengthen the school’s culture and climate.

Ms. Loft embodies the characteristics that Swanson staff and families value in a future principal, based on the community survey feedback— active, decisive and empathetic leadership; strong communications skills; consistency in discipline, accountability and support for students; and proven ability to create a safe and inclusive school culture and climate. Ms. Loft is prepared to step into the role in May to provide the strong leadership Swanson needs during the final quarter of the school year.

“I am honored to have the opportunity to return to Swanson as principal. While I have valued serving the Office of Academics, my passion is in our schools, working more closely with our students and staff,” said Ms. Loft. “I am grateful to have the chance to return to a role that I love in a wonderful school community. I look forward to working with the Swanson team to provide a safe and supportive environment that instills a powerful sense of pride and belonging in our students.”

Ms. Loft replaces interim Principal Marjorie Myers and begins Tue, May 3.