2021 оны 2-р сарын 9

Эрхэм хүндэт АТӨС-дын гэр бүлийнхэн танаа, Олон сар төлөвлөсний эцэст хосолсон/танхимын сургалтад хүүхдээ суулгахаар шийдсэн гэр бүлийнхэнд зориулсан шинэчилсэн хуваарийг та бүхэнд үүгээр дамжуулан хүргэж байна. Арлингтон болон ойр орчмын […]

School Board Meeting February 4, 2021

Minutes for the February 4, 2021 School Board Meeting For closed captions, click the “CC” button in the bottom toolbar of the video window once the meeting starts (if you […]

School Board Meeting January 21, 2021

Minutes for the January 21, 2021 School Board Meeting For closed captions, click the “CC” button in the bottom toolbar of the video window once the meeting starts (if you […]

Mensaje semanal del superintendente, el 19 de enero

Este fin de semana marcó un hito importante y esperanzador para nuestra división escolar, ya que las dos primeras clínicas de vacunas para educadores tuvieron lugar en Arlington. A continuación, […]

School Board Meeting January 7, 2021

Minutes for the January 7, 2021 School Board Meeting Due to some technical difficulties during the meeting, the video is in 2 parts. The agenda, with start times, is listed […]

School Board Meeting December 17, 2020

Minutes for the December 17, 2020 School Board Meeting For closed captions, click the “CC” button in the bottom toolbar of the video window once the meeting starts (if you […]

New Episode of CTE Podcast “Keeping It Real”

Check out the latest episode, featuring EMT students preparing for the licensure exam during virtual learning. CTE’s podcast highlights courses and opportunities for students of all ages.

Mensaje semanal del superintendente

Sabemos que el virus estará con nosotros durante algún tiempo, y que no hay un escenario de cero-riesgo para las escuelas en el futuro previsible.

School Board Meeting December 3, 2020

Minute for the December 3, 2020 School Board Meeting For closed captions, click the “CC” button in the bottom toolbar of the video window once the meeting starts (if you […]