Glebe Educator Named Gifted Teacher of the Year

Glebe Educator Named Outstanding Gifted Teacher The Virginia Association for the Gifted named Glebe Elementary School teacher Stephanie McIntyre the 2016 Outstanding Teacher of the Gifted for Region IV East. […]

New Website Launches July 1

New Website Launching July 1, 2016 The multi-year redesign will relaunch the APS website with improved functionality and technological integration for the future. After a rigorous search, APS selected local […]

Arlington Public Schools Wins National Communications Awards

Arlington Public Schools Wins National Communications Awards Arlington Public Schools and the Department of School and Community Relations earned 14 awards in the National School Public Relations Association’s (NSPRA) 2016 […]

Local Historic District Designation for Stratford School

Local Historic District Designation for Stratford School County and APS collaborate for historic designation Stratford was first Virginia public school to be racially integrated Designation protects Stratford building while allowing […]

School Board Adopts the FY 2017-26 Capital Improvement Plan

School Board Adopts the FY 2017-26 Capital Improvement Plan At last night’s meeting, the Arlington School Board adopted the FY 2017-26 Capital Improvement Plan. The committed and proposed projects in […]