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Author: frank.bellavia@apsva.us

Career Center Students Excel at State SkillsUSA Competition

May 9, 2018

Fifty-six Career Center students competed in the Virginia SkillsUSA competition at end of April.

May 9 Community Meeting the Elementary School Planning Initiative to be Rescheduled

May 8, 2018

The Community Meeting on the Elementary School Planning Initiative that is scheduled for May 9 has been rescheduled for Wed, May 30.

School Board Approves FY19 Budget

May 4, 2018

The Arlington School Board approved its FY 2019 Budget totaling $637,184,475 at last night’s meeting.

Proposed FY 2019-28 Capital Improvement Plan

May 4, 2018

Staff proposed the Superintendent’s proposed FY 2019-28 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) at Thursday’s School Board Meeting.

APS Music Ed Program Earns National Recognition

May 4, 2018

Arlington Public Schools has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from The NAMM Foundation for its outstanding commitment to music education.

23 Arlington Students Selected to Attend Summer Residential Governor’s School

May 2, 2018

Governor Ralph Northam announced that 23 Arlington students were selected to attend the Summer Residential Governor's School.

Nuevo folleto de APS ayuda a los estudiantes a conocer sus derechos ante las autoridades

April 30, 2018

En nuestro continuo esfuerzo por apoyar al Niño Como Ser Integral, es importante que eduquemos a los alumnos en el desarrollo continuo de relaciones positivas con todos los miembros de la comunidad, a la vez siendo miembros comprometidos, informados y cívicos de la sociedad.

New APS Brochure Helps Students Know Their Rights with Law Enforcement Officials

April 30, 2018

In our continued effort to support the Whole Child, it is important that we educate students in continuously developing positive relationships with all members of the community while becoming engaged, informed, and civic-minded members of society.

One Crisis, One Community, Many Conversations

April 27, 2018

Do you know what a juul is; the signs of substance use or addiction; who to call or where to turn if you or someone you know needs help?

Superintendent Names Acting Principal at Henry Elementary School

April 27, 2018

Arlington Superintendent Dr. Pat Murphy, has announced the appointment of Cameron Snyder as Acting Principal for Patrick Henry Elementary School for the remainder of the 2017-18 school year.