Proceso de Apoyo Estudiantil (Student Support Process)

Esperamos que todos hayan tenido un gran comienzo del año escolar. Como sabrán, ocasionalmente el personal y/o los miembros de la familia tienen preocupaciones con respecto al aprendizaje de su hijo estudiante.

APS Debuts New Student Support Process

During the spring of 2019, APS developed a streamlined process for supporting student learning and responding to concerns.

School Board Adopts 2019-20 Action Plan

The Arlington School Board adopted its 2019-20 Action Plan that will be shared as a progress report for School Board priorities during the year ahead at last night’s meeting.

School News Roundup

Take a look at the latest school news and gather inspiration from the great work happening across APS. Highlights include: Abingdon’s Kennedy Center Visit; An AR sandbox; My First Week at an American School and more.