La Junta Escolar adopta nuevos límites de escuelas primarias para el año escolar 2021-2022

El 3 de diciembre, la Junta Escolar aprobó ajustes a los límites escolares de cinco escuelas primarias actuales para crear una zona de asistencia para la nueva escuela vecinal en el sitio de Key, colocar a la escuela Arlington Science Focus School (ASFS) dentro de su zona de asistencia, y crear una zona de asistencia ajustada para la escuela primaria McKinley y la mayoría de los estudiantes quienes se trasladan con la escuela al sitio de Reed. Los nuevos límites entrarán en vigor en el otoño de 2021.

Arlington County and Arlington Public Schools Partner to Build Stormwater Detention Vault at the New Elementary School at the Reed Site

In December, the Arlington County Board and Arlington School Board will be considering a funding agreement to build the first phase of a stormwater detention vault under the athletic fields at the new elementary school at the Reed site to alleviate flooding concerns in the Westover area following devastating impacts from recent storms.

School Board Adopts New Elementary School Boundaries for 2021-22 School Year

On Dec. 3, the School Board approved elementary school boundary adjustments to create an attendance zone for the new neighborhood school at the Key site, place Arlington Science Focus School (ASFS) within its attendance zone, and create an adjusted attendance zone for McKinley Elementary School with most students moving with the school to the Reed site.

Secondary Instructional Delivery Model Video

Families considering hybrid/in-person learning are encouraged to review the “A Day in Hybrid/In-Person Learning for Secondary School” infographic and the “Secondary Hybrid Day”