Back to School Message

Superintendent Dr. Durán and Chief of School Support Ms. Graves give us a glimpse of what to expect this school year and highlight the three top priorities for the upcoming school year.

VDOE Releases 2020-21 Standards of Learning Test Results

Today, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) released the 2020-21 Standards of Learning (SOL) test results which reflect the extraordinary circumstances faced by students and schools last year and establish a baseline for recovery from the pandemic.

Special Education Records Destruction Notice

Notice is hereby given that Arlington Public Schools (APS) intends to destroy special education records of former students who graduated, completed their school program, transferred, or withdrew from APS during the 2014-15 school year.

Arlington to Add First Electric School Buses for a Cleaner Fleet

Arlington Public Schools (APS), working collaboratively with the County’s Department of Environmental Services (DES), will receive a $795,000 grant from the state, to be spent on three fully electric buses (EV buses) that will replace three with diesel engines.