March 2022 APS All Stars Announced

APS is excited to announce the March 2022 APS All Stars, selected out of over 400 outstanding staff nominees! These individuals demonstrate excellence in collaboration, equity, inclusivity, integrity, innovation and stewardship.

Superintendent’s March 16, 2022 Update: Community Surveys

We have several important community surveys in progress, and I encourage you to participate. Your feedback is important to us and helps us gather actionable data to strengthen student services, operations and more.

Mensaje del superintendente – 16 de marzo

Estimadas familias de APS: Tenemos varias encuestas comunitarias importantes en curso, y los animo a participar. Sus comentarios son importantes para nosotros y nos ayudan a recopilar datos procesables para […]

Friday 5 for March 11, 2022

1. Kenmore Students Win Real Food for Kids Challenge A talented group of 7th grade students in Kenmore’s Family and Consumer Science program won the 10th Annual Real Food for […]

Kenmore Students win 2022 Real Food for Kids Culinary Challenge

A group of 7th-grade students at Kenmore Middle School won the 10th Annual Real Food for Kids Culinary Challenge on Saturday, March 5, 2022.  Students were asked to source 50% or more of their ingredients locally or regionally to fulfill the culinary theme of this year’s competition: Buy Local, Eat Local.

Discussing the Crisis in Ukraine

To help students better understand this event, we provided age-appropriate resources for teachers and parents to use as a guide.

Mensaje del superintendente – 9 de marzo

Estimadas familias de APS: Aquí hay algunas actualizaciones rápidas, información de recursos para padres y recordatorios para esta semana: La discusión sobre la crisis en Ucrania – Durante la semana […]