Friday 5 for October 21, 2022

Read the Friday 5 for October 21, 2022. Stories include students creating their dream jars at Glebe Elementary and information on the bond to improve school infrastructure.

Superintendent’s October 19, 2022 Update

Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up at the end of this week, and I encourage all elementary and middle school families to make time to meet your students’ teachers. As we approach the end of the first quarter, these conferences provide an opportunity to discuss your student’s goals and progress, as well as additional ways to support student success.

Friday 5 for Oct. 14, 2022

Read the Friday 5 for Oct. 14, 2022 including topics on Bike & Roll to School Day, the conclusion of Hispanic Heritage Month and more.

Actualización semanal del superintendente: 12 de octubre de 2022

Estimadas familias de APS: A medida que continuamos en el otoño, con este comunicado proporcionamos recordatorios sobre los reconocimientos e iniciativas de octubre, así como las próximas oportunidades para aprender […]

Superintendent’s Update: Oct. 12, 2022

As we continue into fall, here are reminders about October recognitions and initiatives, as well as upcoming opportunities to learn more about services and support for our students with disabilities.