APS News Release

Ashlawn Crossing Guard Named One of Virginia’s Most Outstanding

Crossing GuardAshlawn Elementary School crossing guard Ana Hernandez was recognized by the Virginia Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School program as Virginia’s Most Outstanding Crossing Guards this week. Hernandez, who was nominated by Ashlawn parents, is one of six crossing guards to receive the honor.

Hernandez is the ever smiling crossing guard at Ashlawn who is present rain, snow, or shine. She is described by those who nominated her as cheerful and caring, always taking the time to explain to kids the importance of pedestrian safety. Hernandez is known to have a firm control over the flow of buses, cars, construction vehicles, bikers, and pedestrians who travel through her intersection, working patiently but firmly to ensure the safety of students. If you are being unsafe, you are sure to hear her whistle!

One parent who nominated Hernandez claimed that, “everyone is secretly glad when one has to wait by her side for traffic to pass because Ana brings instant sun into your life, no matter the actual weather.” The same parent went on to say that, “after 20 years of walking this route (between my own children attending and now as Ashlawn staff), I can say no other crossing guard comes close to the cheerful, skilled, and gracious Ana Hernandez!”

“Each school day, our crossing guards are out in the community creating a safe environment for children to walk and bike to school. Ana consistently goes above and beyond by teaching children the importance of pedestrian safety. Her dedication to the well being of students embodies the spirit of the crossing guard program and we are pleased she is receiving recognition for her tireless efforts” said Chief of Police Jay Farr.

Hernandez has been with the crossing guard unit since August 2014. She has been at Ashlawn at N. 8th St. and Manchester St. since she started. She also has a second crossing at Barrett Elementary School.

“Ana is amazing at what she does and how she interacts with our students and our community,” said Ashlawn Principal Judy Apostolico-Buck. “She is energetic and is always happy. I want to congratulate her on this honor.”

Hernandez will be recognized by the Arlington County Police Department and the Ashlawn community on Crossing Guard Appreciation Day, Wednesday, February 8, 2017.

Crossing Guard Appreciation Day is a statewide event sponsored by the Virginia Safe Routes to School program and is devoted to saying thank you to those who help students cross the street safely on their way to and from school.