APS News Release

Arlington Teachers Complete Kennedy Center Training Program

Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA)The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts awarded 18 APS teachers Certificates of Study for their participation in the Kennedy Center’s Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA) program. The teachers are part of a group of 60 Washington, DC area educators that received this certificate last spring. Through CETA each year, more than 700 teachers participate in approximately 90 courses and workshops, which impact around 21,000 students and are available to any teacher in the D.C. metropolitan area.

Through the Kennedy Center’s CETA program, teachers study with their colleagues in courses and workshops led by expert teaching artists and arts educators. In order to receive the Kennedy Center Certificate of Study, teachers attended a minimum of 21 hours of professional learning opportunities in the arts and created a documentation PowerPoint that showed how they used the arts strategies in their classrooms.

Teachers learn about the arts and ways to integrate the arts into their teaching through a range of programs designed to meet their varying needs, interests, and experience. More in-depth programs take place in Kennedy Center partner schools that have committed to a school-wide focus on arts integration. Professional learning programs developed and refined locally through this program are shared nationally through the Kennedy Center’s Partners in Education program. The Certificate of Study recognizes educators who have continued their professional learning in the arts.

CETA Certificate of Study

Arlington Traditional School
Maria F. Barreda; Kelianne Coffman; Jill Congelio; Vicky Flynt; Rex Godwin; Ana Celina Knez; Jennifer Messman; Allison Nowak; Courtney Riley; Elizabeth Snead; and Christine Swain

Claremont Immersion School
Miriam Cutelis; and Renee Seay

Barrett Elementary School
Julie Kaufman; Victoria R. Krieger; and Laurie Sullivan

McKinley Elementary School

Nicole LewisAnna Zwegat