APS News Release

Arlington Public Schools Regional Scholastic Art Awards Ceremony

APS will stream the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Ceremony honoring student artists who received regional recognition for their artwork on Mon, March 22 at 6:30 p.m.

This year, there were close to 1400 pieces of artwork submitted. The work was judged digitally, and the judges awarded over 700 pieces of work. All the work that was submitted was very strong and showed great emotion by our student artists, creating some tough decisions to be made by the judges.

All Gold awards were sent to NYC for National Judging and we will have the results next week  We are very fortunate in Arlington Public Schools and grateful for all the support for the arts starting with our amazing arts teachers,  from you the parents, our community, administrators, Superintendent, and School Board Members.

View the online gallery of Awarded Scholastic Artwork.

Watch the Scholastic Art Awards Ceremony