APS News Release

Arlington Green Action Awards Program Seeking Nominations

The Arlington Public Schools Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability is now accepting applications for the annual Arlington Green Action Awards program. The committee is seeking outstanding examples of projects that are focused on sustainability in the areas of Water/Stormwater, Schoolyard Habitat, Sustainable Food, Energy, Healthy Schools Transportation, or Consumption and Waste. Projects must have been completed in either the 2016-17 or 2017-18 school years.

There are two categories for entries:

  • Projects completed by a classroom, team of teachers, school, or school club.
  • Projects completed by students for a science fair or IB project.

The goal of this program is to promote best practices in sustainability so that other schools can learn what works. The Arlington Green Action Awards program is aligned with the frameworks of the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools Program and Eco-Schools USA.

The deadline for nominations is midnight on Mon, March 19. For more details, visit https://aps2016.apsva.us/aps-goes-green/.