Section 504
September 3, 2014
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Purpose of Section 504 Section 504 is a federal law designed...
Find Your Planning Unit
August 28, 2014
Planning Units The planning unit model was developed by Arlington Public Schools (APS) in 2001 as a way to...
August 18, 2014
Your student’s school has partnered with Naviance to provide a variety of tools for student achievement through academic planning. These...
Planning Factors
August 8, 2014
A large part of the schools’ budgets are calculated according to formula. These formulas are commonly referred to as...
July 29, 2014
Arlington Public Schools (APS) is committed to providing support to our students experiencing homelessness. Project Extra Step provides support...
July 29, 2014
This is a partnership between Arlington Public Schools and The Arlington Partnership for Children, Youths and Families These...
2013 College Acceptance Statistics
July 21, 2014
Listed below are acceptance statistics for colleges, showing Arlington vs. overall acceptance rates. Click on a letter to view...
Career Development
July 21, 2014
Students begin career development in elementary school through classroom guidance lessons, career day and career cafes. During this early...
College Process
July 21, 2014
It’s never too early to start preparing students for college! Applying to college can seem like a difficult process...
College Resources for Undocumented Students
July 21, 2014
It is possible for undocumented students to continue their education beyond Arlington Public Schools. Our goal is to provide...