Section: Instruction Programs
Programs and Services
January 30, 2018
Intensive English Classes for Adults: English classes include conversation, listening, reading, and writing, with contextualized learning in US culture,...
REEP ACCESS Curriculum
August 9, 2016
The Advanced Culture, Civics, and English Studies (ACCESS) Curriculum was created for advanced level...
Professional Learning Library
August 1, 2016
Our Professional Library is virtual. Access needed resources any time, from anywhere. To access the databases through Canvas follow...
REEP ESL Curriculum for Adults
July 21, 2016
The REEP Adult ESL Curriculum is a comprehensive system that provides instructional direction for programs and teachers...
Register for Dual Enrolled course(s) in your high school
March 7, 2016
INSTRUCTIONS TO REGISTER FOR NOVA DUAL ENROLLED COURSE(S) 2023-2024 STEP 1: Apply to Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA)...
Library Catalog
January 1, 2016
Library Catalog: Follett Destiny Destiny Discover, will connect you to a specific APS school library where you can search...
How to Register
May 19, 2015
** All REEP classes are online for fall 2020. ** Our registration process is completely online. Step 1: Complete...
Dual Enrollment – At a Glance
May 11, 2015
What is Dual Enrollment? Dual enrollment is an enrichment opportunity allowing high school students to earn college credits for...
Summer School Learning
May 5, 2015
Summer School 2023 APS is hiring summer school teachers now! View the job listings online. The 2023 APS Summer...
April 30, 2015
Agustin Alvarado Montes’ journey to success covered many miles and milestones — from farm work in California to full...