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Section: Mental Health Services

Mental Health Resources

February 8, 2018

Community Resources Arlington has a wealth of community supports.  Among them is the Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health...

5 señales clave de advertencia de abuso de drogas en los adolescentes

June 21, 2017

Aunque a veces es fácil pensar en que estos cambios son “comportamientos normales en los adolescentes”, a menudo son...

5 Signs of Drug Abuse in Teens

June 20, 2017

En Español Although it’s sometimes easy to think of these changes as “normal teen behavior,” they can be some...

Mental Health Publications

July 26, 2016

From the National Association of School Psychologists What is a School Psychologist?   |  ¿Qué es un psicólogo escolar?  Attention...

Mental Health Videos

July 26, 2016

Fall Mental Health workshop on October 13, 2015 A video of an event focused on a discussion of mental health...

Mental Health Services in Schools

April 7, 2016

System-wide Activities for Staff (at all levels) Gatekeeper training to recognize and respond to signs of depression and suicidal...

In Crisis/Need Help Now?

April 7, 2016

For Immediate Emergencies, call 911 To Help Yourself, or a Friend: Click Here Para ayudarse a sí mismo o...

Mental Health Services

March 7, 2016

Programs and Practices Arlington Schools has taken a multi-faceted approach to meeting the mental health needs of its students....