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Section: Language Services Registration Center

Interpreting Jobs

July 3, 2018

If you are a qualified interpreter approved by the LSRC, we have sent you an email with detailed instructions...


February 8, 2018

APS Now Accepting Online Applications for Elementary Option Schools Applicants will be able to save and return to their...

Interpretation Services

December 8, 2016

APS offers language services to facilitate and increase meaningful communication and access to school programs, curriculum, activities, and educational...

Interpretation and Translation

December 8, 2016

LANGUAGE SERVICES The purpose for offering language services is to facilitate and increase meaningful communication and access to school...

Hours and Services

April 22, 2015

Hours of Operation The Language Services and Registration Center (LSRC) is open Mondays through Fridays, except on holidays. Hours...

Language Services

September 24, 2013

Language services refer to free written language translation and free oral interpretation. APS values the importance of communication between...

Student Registration

July 22, 2013

We would like to help you to register your child in one of Arlington’s outstanding schools. To learn if...

Contact Information

July 22, 2013

The Language Services Registration Center (LSRC) Syphax Education Center 2110 Washington Blvd, Arlington, VA 22204 Tel. 703-228-8000 Fax. 703-228-7205...

Language Glossaries

July 22, 2013

English-Spanish Glossary English-Amharic (Coming soon) English-Arabic Glossary (Coming soon) English-Mongolian Glossary (Coming soon)


July 22, 2013

Arlington Public Schools Adult Education English classes and much more. Arlington County, Virginia Resources for visitors, residents, and business...