Section: ABOUT US
School Locations
January 28, 2015
Map: Click on a marker for information about that school or facility. Note: This map does NOT indicate school...
Abingdon Elementary School
January 28, 2015
Address: 3035 S Abingdon St, Arlington, VA 22206 Phone: 703-228-6650 Fax: 703-931-1804 Principal: David Horak, School hours: Full...
The Citizen
December 11, 2014
The Citizen is quarterly newsletter produced jointly by Arlington Public Schools and Arlington County, for County residents. For more...
World Languages
November 16, 2014
The World Language Advisory Committee (WLAC) assists in the continuous review and assessment of world language programming and instruction....
Student Services
November 7, 2014
The Student Services Advisory Committee reviews the services offered by School Counselors, Substance Abuse Counselors, Psychologists and Social Workers,...
Student Race (Civil Rights Statistics)
November 6, 2014
Civil Rights Statistics are compiled each October for students in grades K–12. They consist of student race as self-reported...
English Language Arts
October 7, 2014
The ELA Advisory Committee, a subcommittee of the Advisory Committee on Instruction (ACI), studies all parts of the English...
Arlington Career Center
September 24, 2014
Address: 816 Walter Reed Dr, Arlington, VA 22204 Phone: 703-228-5800 Fax: 703-228-5815 Principal: Margaret Chung, School hours: 8...
Arts Education- ACI
September 12, 2014
The Arts Advisory Committee fosters support of the sequential and comprehensive learning process across the arts disciplines. Members seek...