APS News Release

APS to Celebrate Bike and Walk to School Day 2018 on May 9

To promote the great health, environmental, community-building and transportation benefits of biking and walking to school, Arlington Public Schools will take part in Bike and Walk to School Day 2018 on Wed, May 9. This year marks the seventh annual national celebration, and students here in Arlington will once again join schools, families, community members, law enforcement and elected officials around the country in celebrating the joys of biking and walking to school.

APS has taken part in Bike and Walk to School Day since its inception in 2012, with all schools participating in some way each year. APS’ goal for Bike and Walk to School Day 2018 is 100% participation. It’s up to each school to decide what that participation looks like.

APS, Arlington County, Virginia Safe Routes to School, and the National Center for Safe Routes to School  have compiled some great planning resources to help families and schools—and APS staff–get ready for Bike and Walk School Day. Contact Lauren Hassel, APS Safe Routes to School Coordinator, at lauren.hassel@apsva.us for more on Bike and Walk to School Day 2018 and new resources to use locally.

Help build momentum while you plan and then share your story when the big day rolls around with our 2018 hashtag #APSBike2SchoolDay!

Coordinated by the National Center for Safe Routes to School and building on the success of Walk and Bike to School Day each October, Bike and Walk to School Day provides an opportunity for communities across the country to celebrate active transportation and Bike Month by biking and walking to school on the same day each May.

Participation is being organized by Arlington Public Schools and APS Safe Routes to School, with support from Arlington County, BikeArlington, WalkArlington, and Arlington Transportation Partners.