APS News Release

APS Summer Literacy Academy Earns Recognition

The Arlington Public Schools Summer Literacy Academy for Middle School Boys of Color earned District Administration Magazine’s Districts of Distinction award.

Districts of Distinction is a national recognition program created by District Administration magazine to honor school districts that are leading the way with new ideas that work. We’re looking to recognize established initiatives that are yielding quantifiable benefits, and that could be replicated by other districts.

To close an equity gap, the APS Office of Minority Achievement collaborated with the English Language Arts department to modify an existing summer program to fit the needs of black middle school students. In 2013-14, the APS Summer Literacy Academy was born. Middle school principals and minority achievement coordinators identified students they felt would benefit.

Four tenets guide the work at the academy including: Students work with relevant texts, write as a mode of self-discovery, explore mathematics and engage in teamwork to build a sense of community.Student Standard of Learning pass rates in grades 5 and 7 increased by 22 percent in three years, a more significant growth than students who didn’t participate in the academy.

To watch the AETV documentary on the Summer Literacy Academy, click here.