APS News Release

APS Students Earn Top Honors on National German Exam

National-German-Exam-logo.Nearly 63 percent of APS German Level 2 and 3 students earned awards this year in the National German Exam.  In addition, 50 percent of German students at these levels earned the high distinction of a medal.  These bronze-, silver and gold medal winners are placed on the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) Presidential Honor Roll.

The honorees include: 

German 3

  • Gold Medal Award WinnersOrianne Robiou Falkenberg, Washington-Liberty; Kevin Farrell, Yorktown
  • Silver Medal Award WinnerDzenita Gazic, Wakefield; Amelia Sahm, Washington-Liberty
  • Bronze Medal Award WinnerHudson James Esch, Washington-Liberty
  • Achievement Award WinnerAbigail Turner, Yorktown

 German 2

  • Silver Medal Award WinnerAnna Moan, Wakefield
  • Bronze Medal Award WinnersLogan Rowland, Washington-Liberty; Ryan Mellett, Yorktown
  • Achievement Award WinnerFrederick VanderPoel, Washington-Liberty

The National German Exam is administered each year to nearly 25,000 high school students of German. The Exam, now in its 60th year, provides individual diagnostic feedback, rewards students through an extensive regional and national prize program, and creates a sense of accomplishment. Exam results provide teachers a means of comparing students in all regions of the country, as well as programmatic data to help inform curricular decisions.