APS News Release

APS Students Earn 2019 National German Exam Awards

Fifty-two percent of APS German Level II and III students earned awards this year in the National German Exam. In addition, 39% of German students at these levels earned the high distinction of a medal. These bronze, silver and gold medal winners are placed on the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) Presidential Honor Roll.

The honorees include: 

German 2
Gold Medal Award Winners
Hudson James Esch and Moritz Hobbs, Washington-Lee
Kevin Farrell, Yorktown

Silver Medal Award Winners
Greta Engel and Fiona Beardslee, Washington-Lee
Abigail Turner, Yorktown 

Bronze Medal Award Winners
William Vizzard, Yorktown

Achievement Award Winners
Zol Sukhee, H-B Woodlawn Secondary Program
Katerina Rankin-Lacchini, Washington-Lee 

German 3
Gold Medal Award Winners
Aleksander Behrens, H-B Woodlawn Secondary Program
Kealani Nickles, Washington-Lee 

Silver Medal Award Winners
Cordelia Medrick, Washington-Lee

Bronze Medal Award Winners
Katherine Brown, Washington-Lee
Zillia Dollinger, Yorktown

Achievement Award Winners
Leona Williams, Washington-Lee
Sullivan Norris, Yorktown