APS News Release

APS Seeks Feedback on Enrollment and Transfers Policy Draft Revisions

APS is proposing revisions to the School Board Policy 25-2.2 Enrollment and Transfers for Schools and Programs to make it easier for families to understand the school options available and the admissions processes. Community feedback will help to shape the final policy.

Several options are available for staying informed and providing feedback:

  1. Read details about the proposed revisions online at aps2016.apsva.us/transfer-policy-revisions
  2. Share your feedback on the proposed the revisions. The survey is open until Sun, March 5.
  3. Attend a “Getting Started” Community Meeting on Wed, Feb. 22 (7 p.m. at Washington-Lee) or Thu, March 2 (7 p.m. at Wakefield High School). The Feb. 22 meeting will be livestreamed.

At the School Board’s direction, APS is beginning the process of updating SB Policy 25-2.2, Enrollment and Transfers for Schools and Programs. The policy was last reviewed and revised in 2001-02.

The goal of this review and revision process is to provide clarity for families about school options; align the structure of the policy and procedures with best practices; and allow for flexibility in making adjustments in the future to address capacity.

The proposed revisions to the policy is being shared with the community for discussion and feedback over the next couple of months. The goal is to complete the process of reviewing and finalizing it later this spring.

For More Information
For more information, visit aps2016.apsva.us/engage. Individuals can call 703-228-6310 or email engage@apsva.us at any time to provide comments or ask questions about this community engagement process.