APS News Release

APS to Host “Getting Started” Community Meeting on Revision of Enrollment and Transfers for Schools and Programs Policy

APS is proposing revisions to the School Board Policy 25-2.2 Enrollment and Transfers for Schools and Programs to make it easier for families to understand the school options available and the admissions processes. Please join us to learn more about the current policy and how to share your ideas about possible changes or revisions. Community feedback will inform the 2nd draft of revisions that will be shared with the community in late March.

APS will host the first of two “Getting Started” community meetings at 7 p.m. on Wed, Feb. 22 at Washington-Lee High School. An additional meeting will be held on Thu, March 2 (7 p.m. at Wakefield High School). The Feb. 22 meeting will be livestreamed.

Both meetings will present the same information so that community members only need to attend one.For more information, visit aps2016.apsva.us/engage.