APS News Release

APS Extended Day Registration for 2020-21 – Information and Dates

Registration Opens April 1 for Returning Families; April 16 for All

Extended Day Program registration for the 2020-21 school year and summer school will open in April. Extended Day has adjusted the process to make registration easier for families based on input received and best practices in place in other school divisions. Registration includes:

  • A two-week early registration period for returning families, April 1 – 15. This guarantees a slot for students who are currently enrolled in the 2019-20 After-School Extended Day session (as of February 3, 2020).
  • A two-week registration period for all families, April 16 – 30. Children registered anytime during this period will be enrolled in Extended Day, if their school has not reached capacity. If registration exceeds capacity for the after-school session, those submitting registration during this period will participate in a lottery for the available after-school slots.
  • Ongoing registration begins May 1 for all families. Children registered on May 1 and beyond will be enrolled, if slots are available at their school.  Families who register at schools that have reached capacity will be placed on a waitlist in the order that their registration is received.

Last year, Extended Day registration exceeded capacity for four schools, resulting in enrollment lotteries at those schools. In recent years, the following schools have reached capacity, resulting in waitlists: Abingdon, Arlington Science Focus, Ashlawn, Claremont, Fleet, Glebe, Key, McKinley and Tuckahoe. There are no waitlists for Extended Day before-school or summer school program sessions.

Additional details regarding the registration process for the 2020-21 school year and important dates are outlined on the Extended Day webpage. For additional information please e-mail extended.day@apsva.us or call (703) 228-6069.