APS News Release

APS Announces Virtual Summer Learning Offerings

Update June 15, 2020

Summer Distance Learning Session Begins July 20 through August 14
Registration Begins June 15 through June 30

Due to the extended stay-at-home order for Northern Virginia, Arlington Public Schools will provide summer learning programs and resources through distance learning this summer. We regret that we are unable to provide the traditional in-person summer school program; however, guidance from the state makes it difficult to prepare for a model in which students and staff would occupy buildings fully or in compliance with social distancing requirements.

The APS Summer Distance Learning Session for secondary and elementary students begins July 20 and concludes on August 14. Summer learning opportunities include:

Online Summer Program for Secondary Students (Grades 6-12) 
APS will provide an online secondary summer strengthening program and selected new work social studies classes (see course list below) for students in grades 6-12. The program is designed to provide targeted intervention and support for students who have earned a “D” or “E” as a final grade and have not been able to consistently access Canvas in April, May or June.

Virtual Courses

  • Students in grades 6-11 will take APS-created virtual courses for makeup and strengthening.
  • Students will be eligible for Locally Awarded Verified Credit (LAVC).
  • Available new work for credit courses include:
    • Economic and Personal Finance (EPF);
    • US/VA History; and
    • US/VA Government.
  • Students who wish to take virtual courses other than the social studies courses offered through APS should contact their counselor to discuss the possibilities available through Virtual Virginia and approved Virtual Virginia courses.

Added June 15: Middle and high school English learners with a current English Proficiency Level of 1 or 2, as achieved on the 2020 WIDA ACCESS for ELLs, are eligible for free summer school. The course will provide English language development for English Learners, with a focus on reading, writing, speaking and listening. The model will include both synchronous and asynchronous components.

Social-Emotional Support
Supporting the social-emotional needs of students will be a priority during the online summer learning session. APS will provide weekly social-emotional learning videos. Social workers, counselors and Bilingual Family Liaisons will be available to support students. 

Elementary Summer Learning Resources (Grades K-5) 
APS has adapted its summer learning program to ensure that every elementary student who was identified for summer school prior to the closure will have access to online resources and school-based instructional and social-emotional support.

APS will offer resources and supports for elementary students to continue their learning over the summer. All students previously identified for summer strengthening will have access to adaptive math and literacy programs and support from school-based instructional staff through regular check-ins and open office hours.

Any K-2 elementary students previously identified for summer school who do not have access to a device will be issued a device and connectivity so that they have full access to adaptive digital learning programs.

Elementary Online and Distance Learning Resources

  • New “At Home with APS” videos focused on building numeracy and literacy skills by grade level bands, i.e. PreK/1, 2/3, and 4/5.  The content for these videos will be expanded to address PreK-grade 5. New videos focused on social-emotional learning will also be available.
  • Adaptive digital learning programs, such as DreamBox and Raz-Kids, that allow students to continue to develop math and literacy skills will be available for students in grades 3-5. These digital learning programs will also be available to students in grades K-2 who have previously been identified as one year below grade level in reading and math; are English learners; and/or are students receiving special education services.
  • Access to school-based instructional support provided through regular check-ins and open office hours. Social workers, counselors and bilingual family liaisons will be available to support students over the summer to assist families as needed.

Special Education
At the secondary level, special education teachers will collaborate with classroom teachers to ensure students with special needs will receive their accommodations and supports to ensure access. During the APS Summer Learning Session, APS will also offer virtual Extended School Year (ESY) services to all students who are eligible. (Note: Barcroft’s virtual ESY services will take place from July 6 – July 31)

APS will provide a variety of virtual ESY services, including both direct and indirect services. Case carriers will be in touch with families to schedule an IEP meeting to discuss ESY. During this meeting, the IEP team will identify ESY goals; determine which services will be provided virtually; and amend a student’s IEPs to reflect new dates of service along with any modifications to ESY services that the IEP teams agree to for ESY.

Registration and Fees
Secondary students will be notified by mail and can register using a Google form that will be made available via the APS website and communicated through School Talk on June 15. There is no cost for students who need to take summer strengthening classes. Students who registered and paid for strengthening classes before the closure will receive full refunds. The fee for new work classes has increased to $350. Students who previously paid $300 will be billed for the difference.

There are no refunds for new work classes that will be offered this summer (see course list above); students who registered and paid for face-to-face classes or other new work classes that have been canceled will receive a full refund.

Parents of elementary students who were previously identified as needing summer school will be notified by mail. APS will automatically register these students. Families will be able to opt out if they do not want to participate. Directions on how to opt out will be provided at a later date. 

Additional Information and Resources
A hotline will be available for families to access social-emotional support, as well as technical support. A frequently asked questions webpage will be available with additional information.