APS News Release

APS Announces New Online Address Change Request Process

Due to schools being closed for the COVID-19 pandemic, families have been unable to change their address if they have moved recently, so this new process will allow families to submit a request to change their address online. Families should update their address as soon as they move to ensure their correct address is listed in the student information system so they can receive important mail from APS. A complete list of the documents accepted for proof of address are available online.

Families are able to access the Request of Address Change form and the secure upload link for uploading their documents by visiting the Address Change Requests webpage. The documents families submit online are shared with APS through a secure website. Families should never send registration documents to schools through email and should only use the secure upload website for privacy and information security reasons.

A school registrar will contact families if additional documents are needed to complete the address change process or if there are any questions regarding the address change request. Families will receive a confirmation email once the change of address has been completed.

For additional information or questions, please contact the APS Welcome Center at 703-228-8000 or schooloptions@apsva.us.