APS All Stars Announced for September 2022

APS is excited to announce the September 2022 APS All Stars, selected out of nearly 200 outstanding staff nominees! These individuals demonstrate excellence in collaboration, equity, inclusivity, integrity, innovation and stewardship. They are members of the APS team who are the first to pitch in, who bring a positive attitude to their work, and go above and beyond to serve students. Congratulations to these individuals!


Cecilia Allen, Teacher
HB Woodlawn
Enthusiastic, selfless, considerate, and generous.
Cecilia gives her heart and soul into H-B, APS, and the surrounding Arlington communities. She goes above and beyond for each one of her students and deserves some recognition for all she has done over the years. Cecilia continuously advocates for everyone in the school to pursue their academic, and personal, goals and dreams. She is a positive influence for all H-B staff and never fails to put a smile on our faces each day. 

Matilde Arcineigas, Teacher
Escuela Key
Tireless, Advocate, Passionate, Supportive, Leader
I have been fortunate to work alongside this dedicated teacher for over 23 years. Ms. Arcinegas is a first-grade teacher and has shown dedication to her students and their families every year. She has taken on leading the FACE team and is so passionate about finding ways to include every single family. Her tireless efforts have helped create a school community where we truly are partners with our families and they feel valued and part of the team. She is also an avid Boston Red Sox fan so that automatically should make her an all star! 

Michelle Jackson, Instructional Assistant
All- Encompassing, Dedicated, Fun, Passionate, Trusted- Partner
I am a “Specials” science teacher that instructs students while the homeroom teacher attends CLT meetings and planning. I am fortunate that when the Functional Life Skills class comes to Science, Ms. Jackson is there to support the students. She has gone above and beyond to support me as I learned new skills to teach students with severe learning and physical challenges. She makes learning fun for the students (and me) with her high energy, positive attitude. Ms. Jackson inspires me with her patience and her passion and how deeply she cares about her students. She developed a special bond with two fifth grade students who she has been teaching since kindergarten. The students respond so well to her, and she is always there for them. Ms. Jackson’s passion, patience and dedication embodies the APS vision of an inclusive community that empowers all students to foster their dreams, explore possibilities and create their futures. 


Willie Garner, Instructional Assistant
Positive energy
Mr. Garner works with special ed pre-k students and is so dedicated to helping better their education and their lives. He brings positive energy to everything he does and always brightens people’s day.  You can find him at the front door greeting each of his students by name.  He is often the “safe person” for his students when they are distressed or need support.  Students know he genuinely cares about them. Mr. Garner is reliable and communicative and makes sure that the needs of students always come first.  He has begun taking classes for a Masters in Special Education and will make a great SPED teacher.  His not-so-hidden talent – he’s an amazing dancer.


Wendy Pilch, Director of Elementary Education
Dedicated, advocate, problem-solver, positive, irreplaceable!
Ms. Pilch is an exceptional leader who cares deeply about ALL students and devotes all of her time to work directly with school leaders to ensure that learning environments are reflective of her belief in ALL students.  Very rarely is she in her office at Syphax but rather lives in her schools. From weekly meetings with new principals, having courageous conversations with instructional staff, consulting with an irate parent to doing bus duty, nothing is too big or small for Ms. Pilch!  Her “whatever it takes” attitude influences anyone who is in her presence and we are so fortunate to have someone of her caliber on our team!