APS All Stars Announced for October 2022

APS is excited to announce the September 2022 APS All Stars, selected out of nearly 200 outstanding staff nominees! These individuals demonstrate excellence in collaboration, equity, inclusivity, integrity, innovation and stewardship. They are members of the APS team who are the first to pitch in, who bring a positive attitude to their work, and go above and beyond to serve students. Congratulations to these individuals!

Latoya Hill, Administrative Assistant at Tuckahoe

Tuckahoe is very grateful for Ms. Hill. She embodies what it means to be an APS All Star. The work she does for our school every day goes above and beyond her job description. And everything she does, she does with a smile.
Ms. Hill is an under-the-radar, behind-the-scenes helper. She is a quiet problem solver who regularly makes magic happen to ensure the day runs smoothly for our entire school. She starts her day juggling impossible tasks, including finding substitute coverage for staff who are out or for meeting coverage, setting up laptops and substitute plans for guest teachers, and taking care of anything that needs to be done for the day. She works tirelessly and will do anything to support our staff, from ordering supplies overnight, to helping students, to covering recess duties. She is knowledgeable about all the ins and outs of our school and is patient with everyone she comes across no matter how much work is on her plate.
Ms. Hill helps every staff member, substitute, parent and student who walks into this building. She is a powerhouse whose hard work allows our school and our staff to be able to focus on the work we are here to do – to educate our students. Thank you, Ms. Hill! You are a true APS All Star!

Eileen Gardner, Principal at Nottingham
Dr. Gardner has a mantra that “everything is figure-outable” which (as simple as it sounds), is SO NECESSARY for administrators. She is a resource for teachers, students, and families in our school community. She encompasses everything you’d want to see in a principal- she is knowledgeable, resourceful, caring, and compassionate.
Dr. Gardner knew “every student by name, strength, and need” before that was even an initiative by APS at large and is like an encyclopedia Britannica on the students in our school. We marvel at her ability to recall facts, anecdotes, or academic information on students at the drop of a hat. I am thankful that I get to work alongside her and learn from her each day.

Catherine Ackleson, Instructional Assistant at Cardinal

I have worked with Ms. Ackleson for 7 years at both McKinley and Cardinal Elementary Schools. For the past 2 years, I have had the privilege of working with her for most of our day in second and now third grade. Throughout my work alongside her, I have experienced how she embodies all the good qualities of an amazing educator. She is positive, committed and considerate. Each day, Catherine’s enthusiastic personality and determination can be seen, felt and heard at Cardinal. Ms. Ackleson is a pillar of our community, school, special education team and my classroom.

What sets Ms. Ackleson apart from other staff members at APS is her unmatched passion, positive attitude and drive to support students in our community.

Joshua Bruno, Teacher at Swanson
Mr. Bruno’s priority is his students- on both the academic front and the emotional front. He is the best math teacher I have ever had. I understand his process and can follow his way of teaching. He slows down to ensure 100% of the class gets that skill.
Moreover, Mr. Bruno is a teddy bear. He cares for all his students. As a student of special education, I can tell that he cares. Mr. Bruno is very much worthy of an APS All Star.


Daniel Castillo, Specialist at Arlington Community High School

Mr. Castillo is the go-to for so many things at Arlington Community High School. He can help with almost anything! He is approachable and helpful. He treats all students and staff with respect.

From technology support to school videos, to metro card assistance, to translating… Mr. Castillo does it all effectively and with a smile! He is a true APS All Star.