APS All Stars Announced for April 2023

APS is excited to announce the April 2023 APS All Stars, selected out of several hundred outstanding staff nominees! These individuals demonstrate excellence in collaboration, equity, inclusivity, integrity, innovation and stewardship. They are members of the APS team who are the first to pitch in, bring a positive attitude to their work and go above and beyond to serve students. Congratulations to these individuals!

Theresia Hernisanti

Healthy lunches shine with Theresia

Ms. Hernistani goes beyond the cafeteria to collaborate with the school news to ensure learners hear “food reviews” about healthy lunch options and encourage them to have a daily balanced meal. She also goes beyond her duties to reach out to families to secure free and reduced lunch support. Ms. Hernistani is a paragon by her administration for the news segments she collaborates on taking cafeteria cuisine to a sophisticated, fun, new level! She is beloved by her staff for being kind, supportive, organized and encouraging. A true APS All Star!

Dani Fuller

Compassionate, diligent, caring, empathetic, reliable

I get to work with Ms. Fuller, the school counselor on a daily basis and every day she is AMAZING at her job. She stands by the front door every morning and greets car riders and walkers. She hangs out in the lobby and makes sure everyone gets to class with a smile on her face. Ms. Fuller works tirelessly daily meeting with students, communicating with parents, teaching counseling lessons and meeting with counseling groups. At the end of the day, she walks students who have extra needs to their bus and ensures they get on the bus safely and happily. She truly goes above and beyond and anyone who knows her and is lucky enough to work with her knows she is such a bright light in our building.

Adam Cook

Best support for students and their classroom teachers!

Mr. Cook is a resource teacher who is a calming influence on all students in their classrooms. He embodies the notion that the well-being of all students is the responsibility of all adults in our school environment. While he is assigned to specific students in my classroom, all of my kids look forward to seeing him each day, and I think he looks forward to seeing all of them too! I consider Mr. Cook to be considered a co-teacher and while we are not an official co-teacher model– we have been experimenting with him teaching an occasional lesson when his schedule allows. Mr. Cook is a true team player and does his best to support both students and his co-teachers. As a teacher who is new to Tuckahoe this year, I am grateful for his professionalism and friendship!

Carmen De La Cruz-Scales

Exceptional Passionate Dedicated Relentless Caring

Ms. Delacruz-Scales is an amazing instructional leader who cares deeply about her students, staff and the larger community. She possesses strong expertise and leadership skills and has an unwavering dedication and passion for students. Her work is characterized by a sheer belief that all students have the potential to exceed! She holds high expectations for students and in turn pushes teachers to provide quality instructional experiences to ensure that students are successful. She is masterful at supporting teachers with analyzing data to drive instructional planning and decision-making. When Carmen enters a room or engages with students, she has an innate ability to make individuals feel as if they are the most important person in the world. She is a natural leader who masterfully combines patience, expertise, and an unparalleled enthusiasm and passion for teaching and without a doubt should be recognized as an APS All-Star.

Becky Yates
Washington-Liberty Aquatics Center

Dedicated, team player, flexible, high performer

Ms. Yates has a contagious positive and happy attitude that makes her a great teacher and an outstanding team member. She is always ready to pick up an extra shift or assignment and helps teach the aquatic program for elementary and high school students including providing additional aquatic support to the Shriver program and Wakefield Special needs classes. She has completed training in Starfish Aquatics and Swim Angelfish programs. She has evolved to be a lead instructor for the community Swim School. More recently she took on extra classes when another instructor was out due to a long-term injury. Becky is a member of the APS Aquatics Team.