APS News Release

Additional FY 2021 Budget Information Available in Preparation for Tomorrow’s School Board Work Session and Public Hearing

At the April 16 School Board Meeting, Interim Superintendent Cintia Johnson presented the revised proposed FY 2021 budget to fund operations for the 2020-21 school year. The revised budget reflects the updated School Board direction adopted in late March in response to the effect that the Coronavirus is having on the local economy. Additional documents and details pertaining to the budget are now posted on BoardDocs and the Budget and Finance webpage in preparation for the School Board’s work session and public hearing on Tuesday, April 21. Additional documents include a revised proposed budget presentation, and spreadsheets providing details on central office department reductions, reductions to baseline increases, and revisions to the Minor Construction Major Maintenance (MC/MM) budget.

Please note that the reduction of the Instructional Technology Coordinator (ITC) contract from 12 to 11 months has been removed and replaced with additional department reductions. Department reductions have increased from $2.4 million to $3.0 million to account for the $600,000 ITC reduction no longer being taken.

To learn more about the APS FY 2021 budget process and timeline, visit aps2016.apsva.us/budget-finance/. View the April 16 meeting online here. For guidelines to share your input with the School Board for the Public Hearing, please visit aps2016.apsva.us/school-board-meetings/sign-up-to-speak/. An online comment form is available at aps2016.apsva.us/submit-your-comment-for-public-hearing-on-the-superintendents-proposed-fy-2021-budget/.