APS News Release

Acceptable Use Policy (Technology/1:1 Device) Community Discussion on Nov. 15

Community Can Provide Input In-Person and Online from Nov. 15-Dec. 1

APS is hosting a community discussion on the Acceptable Use Policy (Technology/1:1 Device) on Wed, Nov. 15 from 7-9 p.m., at Washington-Lee High School (1301 N. Stafford St.)

Community members can either view a presentation online and provide their input via an online form on the Acceptable Use webpage, or they can attend a community discussion on Nov. 15. The online form will be open from Nov. 15-Dec. 1.

The process includes reviewing best practices used in other school districts and discussing ideas to propose Policy Implementation Procedure (PIP) that guides how digital devices support APS best instructional practices. The community can get information and provide input in the process to develop guidelines for how our students use digital devices to support their learning. APS issues devices, such as laptops and iPads, to students in grades 2-12.