Parent Resource Center Weekly Message: 6.1.21

June 1, 2021
Recovery Services Questions? See Recovery Services section below.

Happy June, everyone! It always seems astounding when we reach the final month of school each year. As we look ahead to many upcoming events – promotions, graduations, summer break, and a return to full-time school ahead in the Fall, this June is an especially contemplative month. A month to celebrate resilience and accomplishments, wrap up end of the year tasks, bring closure to an incredibly unusual year, and, for some of us, prepare to say farewell to students, families, teachers and colleagues who are heading off to new ventures. One of our simultaneously joyful but hardest farewells at the Parent Resource Center this year will be bidding our dear colleague, Kelly Mountain, best wishes as she begins her retirement from Arlington Public Schools at the end of this academic year.

We are thrilled for Kelly to begin a well-earned retirement, relax a bit, and spend time with her beloved family. Kelly has been a critical member of the Arlington Public Schools staff for more than 20 years. She began her career as a school psychology intern, and during her years with APS served as a School Psychologist, Student Services Specialist, Interim Director of Student Services, and Student Services Supervisor prior to joining our team as a Special Education Coordinator at the Parent Resource Center in 2017.

During her years with APS, Kelly has had a profound and broad impact on APS students, families and staff across our district. The recent recipient of Arlington SEPTA’s 2021Turner Award for an Outstanding Administrator, Kelly is noted for her dedication, wisdom, collaborative nature, leadership and commitment to students. Respected and appreciated by families and staff alike, Kelly has led numerous APS initiatives, and furthered our work to support student learning, mental health, and social and emotional well-being. She is a selfless and tireless advocate for students, and we have been extremely fortunate to have Kelly as a colleague at the PRC.

While at the PRC, Kelly co-facilitated Sibshops; provided ADHD and other training to parents; served as the PRC representative on APS’ transition team; co-coordinated the Parent Liaisons program; and connected with hundreds of families to help demystify the special education process, review eligibility reports and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), prepare for special education meetings, and connect to school and community resources. Kelly’s work has profoundly and positively impacted our community from the individual student/family level to a systemic level. We will deeply miss Kelly’s joyful and compassionate presence at the Parent Resource Center, and are grateful to have had the privilege to work by her side.

COVID Recovery Services
At the end of April, the Office of Special Education shared a guidance document designed to inform families about COVID Recovery Services, and clarify the differences between Recovery Services, Extended School Year Services, and Compensatory Services. The guidance document is still online here, and states that Recovery Services may be needed to overcome lost instruction and lack of progress toward goals and objectives during the COVID-19 pandemic.The determination of COVID recovery services is made by the IEP Team after a careful review of student performance and data including pre-COVID closure data, student participation and performance during COVID closures, and performance upon return to school. Reasons for lack of progress may include lack of in-person instruction; inability to provide needed modifications or accommodations at home; parents unable to assist with instruction; and/or child could not benefit from virtual instruction. IEP teams should be convened when there is a lack of expected progress as noted by parent concern, data collection, reevaluations, etc.
Parents or guardians who have questions about Recovery Services are encourages to contact their child’s case carrier, and are also most welcome to contact the Parent Resource Center at 703.228.7239 or with any questions you might have.

Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) Program Seeking Enrollment
Are you the family of a child who will be 4 by September 30th? If so, don’t miss the opportunity to learn whether your child might be eligible to participate in VPI – a FREE, full-time PreK program in Arlington Public Schools that provides instruction in mathematics, literacy, history, science, health, physical development, personal and social development, music and visual arts. VPI is available in many APS elementary schools, and there are many spaces available for the 2021-22 academic year. Call 703-228-8632 to learn more about income eligibility guidelines and schedule an appointment.

New resources logoBelow are resources shared with us by the ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia.
COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Card to aid in communicating with a person who is Deaf or hard of hearing, adapted by VDDHH with permission from the Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission. Color and Grayscale versions are now available:

Durable Medical Equipment
Are you looking for vital Durable Medical Equipment (DME)? ECNV has equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, commodes and many other types of equipment. Reach out to DME Specialists Andrew or Selvin to inquire about whether or not ECNV has something to meet your needs.
Contact Selvin Garcia at or Andrew Shaw at

Upcoming Events image

Visit the Parent Resource Center’s EVENTS page for upcoming events.