APS News Release

26 Arlington Students Selected to Participate in the Summer Residential Governor’s School

Twenty six APS students have been invited to participate in the Summer Residential Governor’s School for Academics, Mentorship, Visual and Performing Arts and World Language Academies.

Summer Residential Governor’s Schools provide gifted high school juniors and seniors in Virginia with intensive educational experiences in one special area of interest in visual and performing arts; humanities; mathematics, science, and technology; or through mentorships in marine science, medicine and health sciences, or engineering.  Summer Residential World Language Academies will be virtual this year and will include full-immersion academies in French, German and Spanish; a partial-immersion Japanese Academy; and a Latin Academy.

Congratulations to the following students who are invited to participate this summer:

Summer Residential Governor’s Schools for Academics, Mentorship and Visual and Performing Arts

Career Center
Liam Brown, Mathematics, Science & Technology 

H-B Woodlawn
Julia Brodsky, Mathematics, Science & Technology
Jade Hsu Gjermundsen, Agriculture
William Torg, Mathematics, Science & Technology 

Marina Julia Hall, Vocal/Mezzo Soprano
Lauren Renee Smith, Vocal/Soprano

Indra Mungunsuh, Visual Arts
Lily Odenwelder, Mathematics, Science & Technology
Mia Shenkman, Humanities
Thornton D. Thomas, Humanities

William Voight, Humanities  

Summer Residential Governor’s World Language Academies

H-B Woodlawn
Mathilde LeBlond, Spanish
Georgia Thomas, Japanese 

Faith Clark, German
Anna Fry, Japanese
Anna Moan, German
Charlotte Papacosma, Spanish

Henry Cummings, French
Charlotte Cunningham, Spanish
Kealani Nickles, German
Aidan Pritchard, French
Michael Robertson, Latin
Savannah Thompson, Latin

Helen Boucher, Spanish
Abigail Ferguson, French
Noelle George, Spanish

Applications are posted each year in early October on the Virginia Department of Education Summer Residential Governor’s School webpage or the World Language Academies webpage. Interested students should contact school counselors, resource teacher for the gifted and/or World Language teachers to learn more about this opportunity and/or visit aps2016.apsva.us/gifted-services.