APS News Release

23 Arlington Students Selected for Summer Residential Governor’s School

Twenty-three APS students were invited to attend the Summer Residential Governor’s School for Academics, Mentorship, Visual and Performing Arts and World Language Academies.

Summer Residential Governor’s Schools provide gifted high school juniors and seniors in Virginia with intensive educational experiences in one special area of interest in visual and performing arts; humanities; mathematics, science, and technology; or through mentorships in marine science, medicine and health sciences, or engineering. Summer Residential World Language Academies include full-immersion academies in French, German and Spanish; a partial-immersion Japanese Academy; and a Latin Academy.

Due to the current circumstances with the COVID-19 pandemic, the summer World Language Academies will operate in virtual formats. Some Academic programs, VIMS (marine Science) and Engineering (JLAB), will operate virtually with reduced numbers. The Visual and Performing Arts programs are canceled.

Congratulations to the following students who were accepted into these highly competitive programs:

Summer Residential Governor’s Schools for Academics, Mentorship and Visual and Performing Arts

H-B Woodlawn
Jade Hsu Gjermundsen, Mathematics Science & Technology 

Georgia Waits Gibbon, Visual Arts
Marina Julia Hall, Vocal/Mezzo Soprano
Katheryn Tsai Lanman, Humanities
Carmina G. Lopez, Visual Art
Aubrey Isabella Mahoney, Visual Arts
Colin Mashkuri, Instrument/Trombone
Lauren Renee Smith, Vocal/Soprano

Alanna Enknjin DaRin, Engineering
Sophia Claire Edwards, Mathematics, Science & Technology
Elizabeth Grace Mineau, Dance
Thornton D. Thomas, Humanities

Haylee Ann Feist, Mathematics, Science & Technology
Andrew Murray, Mathematics, Science & Technology
Joshua William Sokol, Mathematics, Science & Technology 

Summer Residential Governor’s World Language Academies

H-B Woodlawn
Mary Edith Plunkett, Spanish 

Elena Catherine Cura, French
Mardet Fasil Mulugeta, French

Daniela Luisa Flores-Briggs, French
Sophie Adams Smith, French

Lydia Grace Chenoweth, French
Kevin Malcolm Farrell, Latin
Emily Claire Mucchetti,

Latin Applications are posted each year in early October on the Virginia Department of Education Summer Residential Governor’s School webpage or the World Language Academies webpage. Interested students should contact the resource teacher for the gifted to learn more about this opportunity and/or visit aps2016.apsva.us/gifted-services.