
Superintendent’s Feb. 8 Update

I have been reflecting on our communication following recent incidents and working with our staff on ways we can ensure it is as informative and reassuring as possible.

Vaccine Information for Rising 12th Graders

The MenACWY (Meningococcal) booster vaccine is required for all students attending school in Virginia prior to entering twelfth grade per Code of Virginia Section § 22.1-271.2   

Vaccine Information for Rising 7th Graders

The Tdap vaccine, the MenACWY (Meningococcal) vaccine, and the HPV vaccine are required for all students attending school in Virginia prior to seventh grade entry per Code of Virginia Section § 22.1-271.2  

Superintendent’s Message on Safety & Security

As a community, we are grappling with difficult times as we face incidents and threats of violence in APS and across the country. From school gun violence to increased drug use among students, to discriminatory and hateful actions—these events impact us all.