Month: August 2022

Superintendent’s Update: Aug. 31, 2022

Happy First Week of School! Thank you for helping to make the start of the 2022-23 school year a success. The start of a new year brings a mix of emotions for all—especially students transitioning to a new school—and we are grateful for your support and partnership in making sure every student has a strong start back to school.

GALLERY: #APSBack2School 2022-23

APS welcomed students back to school on Mon, Aug. 29. Here’s a gallery of photos to remember the first day of school.

ESTA SEMANA EN APS – 29 de agosto de 2022

Estimados padres/tutores, Estamos contentos de tener a sus hijos de regreso en la escuela. A continuación, les brindamos información para la primera semana de clases. PROCESO ANUAL DE VERIFICACIÓN EN LÍNEA […]

PRC Monday Message: 8.29.22

Good afternoon, and Happy 22-23 to each of you! We hope you all had a great summer, and hope your children had a great first day back to school! The […]

Friday 5 for Aug. 26, 2022

APS is excited to welcome students back to the classroom on Mon, Aug. 29. Sharpen the pencils, put the notebooks in the backpack and be well-rested for a great first day!

Superintendent’s Update: Aug. 24, 2022

We look forward to welcoming new and returning students back to school in a few short days.  As students come back to school, our focus is on knowing your child and ensuring every student feels welcome, valued and safe at school.

APS Student Fare Free Program

Arlington Transit has made all travel for APS students on ART buses free with a registered iRide SmarTrip card.