Month: May 2022

Mensaje del superintendente: 25 de mayo, 2022

Estimadas familias de APS: Hoy temprano, emití una declaración condenando la violencia en nuestras escuelas, en solidaridad con las divisiones escolares que han sufrido una trágica pérdida de vidas inocentes. Aquí […]

APS Statement on Violence in Schools

Today is a sad day for schools and all of us nationwide as we all collectively mourn the tragic loss of life that occurred yesterday. We condemn these senseless acts of violence and offer our deepest sympathies to those who have lost loved ones.

Declaración de APS sobre la violencia en las escuelas

Estimadas familias y personal de APS: Hoy es un día triste para las escuelas y para todos nosotros en todo el país, ya que todos lloramos colectivamente la trágica pérdida […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 5.23.22

May 23, 2022 Good evening. Please be advised that the May Special Education Advisory Committee (ASEAC) meeting has been rescheduled. ASEAC will now convene on Tuesday, June 7th at 7pm. […]

Esta Semana en APS – 23 de mayo de 2022

Estimadas familias, Esta semana se destaca la siguiente información: ACTUALIZACIÓN DE COMIDAS PARA EL VERANO Y EL AÑO ESCOLAR 2022-2023 Hemos tenido la suerte de poder proporcionar comidas gratuitas universales […]

Friday 5 for May 20, 2022

1. Explore and Support the Outdoor Lab This Weekend Have you experienced the Outdoor Lab? This popular destination for APS student field trips and summer camp is hosting an Open […]

Community Engagement Opportunities – June 2022

Dear Friends of APS, Hope you are enjoying the spring weather. Here’s what’s happening at APS and, below, in the community. Upcoming APS Community Engagement Opportunities: Tu. May 24      […]