Month: March 2022

Student Services Newsletter March 2022

The SEL theme for March is Self-Awareness. Check out some recommended books for young children to strengthen self-awareness, all of which are available to check out through Arlington Public Library. This month’s newsletter also highlights National Professional Social Work Week, March 6-12, National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week, March 21-27, and the upcoming APS SEL Survey. Lastly, don’t miss the upcoming trainings available to parents, as well as the free and available to all, Cigna Student School Support Line.

Discussing the Crisis in Ukraine

To help students better understand this event, we provided age-appropriate resources for teachers and parents to use as a guide.

Mensaje del superintendente – 9 de marzo

Estimadas familias de APS: Aquí hay algunas actualizaciones rápidas, información de recursos para padres y recordatorios para esta semana: La discusión sobre la crisis en Ucrania – Durante la semana […]

Celebrating School Social Workers

Our APS social workers make a difference to strengthen school-family partnerships, share resources and promote constructive, positive behavior and mental health. They are a diverse, highly skilled team that is […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: March 7, 2022

Parent Resource Center Library Collection Expansion The Parent Resource Center has an opportunity to add resources to our library collection. We are especially hoping to expand our collection to include […]

Esta Semana en APS – 7 de marzo de 2022

Estimadas familias, ¡Feliz lunes! Esta semana se destacan los siguientes temas: ENCUESTA ¡YOUR VOICE MATTERS! (SU VOZ CUENTA) ABRE PARA LOS ESTUDIANTES La encuesta Your Voice Matters (YVM) de 2022 […]

بدء استبيان “صوتك يُحدث فرقًا”

يبدأ استبيان “صوتك يُحدث فرقًا” (YVM) لعام 2022 للطلاب والموظفين يوم 7 مارس وللعائلات يوم 14 مارس. تجري مدارس أرلينغتون العامة وشراكة أرلينغتون للأطفال والشباب والأسر (APCYF) استبيان YVM كل […]

Таны Дуу Хоолой Чухал, Судалгаа Эхэлж Байна

2022 оны “Таны дуу хоолой чухал” (ТДХЧ) судалгааг 3-р сарын 7-ны өдөр сурагчид болон ажилтнуудаас, 3-р сарын 14-ний өдөр гэр бүлүүдээс авч эхлэх болно. АУС болон Арлингтоны Хүүхэд, Залуучууд, Гэр […]

የእርስዎ ድምጽ ዋጋ አለው የዳሰሳ ጥናት በመካሄድ ላይ ነው

የ2022 የእርስዎ ድምጽ ዋጋ አለው (YVM) የዳሰሳ ጥናት ለተማሪዎች እና ሰራተኞች በማርች 7፣ እንዲሁም ለቤተሰቦች በማርች 14 ይከፈታል። APS እና የአርሊንግተን ለልጆች፣ ወጣቶች እና ቤተሰቦች አጋርነት(APCYF) የጋራ ጠቀሜታ ያላቸውን ቦታዎች […]