Month: March 2022

Mensaje del superintendente – 23 de marzo

Estimadas familias de APS: Aquí hay algunas actualizaciones para esta semana: Tablero de progreso estudiantil de APS –   En la reunión de la Junta Escolar del 24 de marzo, proporcionaré […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 3.21.22

March 21, 2022 Happy Cherry Blossom season to all of our subscribers! We hope you’ve been enjoying the lovely weather and many flowering trees that have burst into bloom during […]

Esta Semana en APS – 21 de marzo de 2022

Estimadas familias, Prepárense para el verano y compartan su opinión. Esta semana se destaca las siguiente información: ESCUELA DE VERANO ¡El verano está a la vuelta de la esquina! Las […]

Northern Virginia Regional Science Fair Winners

Over the past few weeks, young scientists from the area had a chance to showcase their projects in the Northern Virginia Regional Science and Engineering Fair.

Special Education Records Destruction Notice

Notice is hereby given that Arlington Public Schools (APS) intends to destroy special education records of former students who graduated, completed their school program, transferred, or withdrew from APS during the 2015-16 school year.

Community Engagement Opportunities – March 2022

Dear Friends of APS: Over the past week, we received questions about how schools are helping students process news about Ukraine. We have staff and students with family or cultural […]

Friday 5 for March 18, 2022

1. Swanson Students Complete Page Program with VA House of Delegates Two students at Swanson Middle School recently finished an 11-week program as pages with the Virginia House of Delegates. […]

March 2022 APS All Stars Announced

APS is excited to announce the March 2022 APS All Stars, selected out of over 400 outstanding staff nominees! These individuals demonstrate excellence in collaboration, equity, inclusivity, integrity, innovation and stewardship.