Month: September 2021

Mensaje del superintendente para el 15 de septiembre

Estimados miembros de la comunidad de APS: Es inspirador ver el gran trabajo que se está realizando en APS para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a crecer académica, social y emocionalmente. […]

First Day of School

Students returned to classrooms and normal school schedules and activities, greeted by warm welcomes from teachers, bus drivers, food service employees and all staff. Watch as Superintendent Dr. Durán visits […]

Esta Semana en APS – 13 de septiembre de 2021

¡Saludos, estimadas familias! Esperamos que sus hijos estén listos para la tercera semana de clases.  Esta semana destacamos los siguientes temas: OPTE “SÍ” PARA QUE SU HIJO RECIBA PRUEBAS GRATUITAS DE COVID-19 EN SU ESCUELA   Las pruebas gratuitas de COVID-19 […]

Parent Resource Center Monday Message: 9.13.21

September 13, 2021 Good morning! We hope that all of our families are settling back into school routines, and are looking forward to the 3rd week of school. As classes […]

School Board Meeting September 9, 2021

Minutes for the September 9, 2021 School Board Meeting For closed captions, click the “CC” button in the bottom toolbar of the video window once the meeting starts (if you […]

Friday 5 for September 10, 2021

1. First Day of School Video Last week, students returned to classrooms and normal school schedules and activities, greeted by warm welcomes from teachers, bus drivers, food service employees and […]